Details about the sale

12th Annual Backyard Plant Sale

April 3, 2012

Hello Gardening Friends:

So I hear we are about two weeks ahead this year! Spring has definitely sprung. There are many things coming up so early that we may see some things at the plant sale that we don’t usually see.

The Annual Backyard Plant Sale is a sale I hold in my backyard each year. The plants are donated by interested people like you and come from our own gardens. Additionally Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden donates daffodil bulbs from their conservatory. The one pictured above will be in this year’s sale. Proceeds from the sale benefit The Nature Conservancy’s Chesapeake Rivers Program specifically for land acquisitions in our area.

The dates this year will be:

Friday, May 4th from 4:00 pm – dark

Saturday, May 5th from 9am – 1pm

The location is my backyard at 203 Howard Street in Ashland.

For those who donate plants, there are the excellent perks! There will be a preview sale for donors on Thursday, May 3rd from 4pm-dark. On this day, only donors may purchase up to the number of plants donated by that person. Some items actually sell out on this day. So the more plants you donate, the more purchasing power you have. I hope you will note this is not a swap but a sale to raise money for a good cause.

Saturday at 1:20, all leftover plants are given to any plant donor in any quantity. This part of the sale has become very popular to the donors. Those who are not plant donors can still purchase plants at this time until they are gone.

If you have plants to donate, you can leave them on my front porch any time during the week before the sale (please leave your name so I know who donated what). If you can label the variety, that’s great. We will price them. No invasive alien plants will be sold. (Check out the list – it may surprise you!) and we love to see Virginia native plants at the sale.

For those of you who love to garden, this is a wonderful way of making a donation to an organization that preserves land in our area.

If you are on facebook I have a facebook page called “Annual Backyard Plant Sale”.

Thank you very much.

Julie Ericksen

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