The plant list so far

These are just plants from me and two friends so far. The list will grow significantly!

Amsonia (native)

Anemone robustissima (fall flowering anemone)

Artimisia (Silver King and Queen?)

Calycanthus florida (native Sweet Shrub)

Cannas (7 foot red)

Columbine (native red/yellow)

Coreopsis (native)

Echinaciea – Purple Cone Flower


Helleborus Orientalis

Iris (Siberian and German)

Korean Bell Flower

Perennial Leeks/Elephant Garlic

Lamb’s ear

Monarda – Bee Balm (native)

Oxalis (pink flowered)

Rubus Odoratum ‘Crandall’ – Clove Current (native plant)

Rudbeckia – Black Eyed Susans (native)

Sedum – ground cover

Stokesia (Stokes Aster)

Strawberry Begonia

Tiger Lily (pale yellow)

Tricyrtis (Toad Lily)

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